Astrology Party….. What?

What a cool idea for any occasion or to just hanging out with some friends, learn about Astrology and have some fun.
Host a party and receive a travel key chain with eight (8) sample doTERRA oils,  that are specifically  selected to Activate the Planets in your life…
DoTERRA gift
therapeutic grade essential  oils specifically selected for you
          I have developed a fun unique party that YOU help to create, using Astrology  in the relaxing environment of your own home. All you have to do is invite your friends over, get their birth information and let the party begin.  I will provide all the fun stuff you need. Ready for the biggest Ahah moment of your life?
          There will be costumes, props, singing, dancing, and laughing that will activate the universe right in your living room.  If you would of these parties, send me a message and we will get started.
          There is a fee of $35 per person so I can prepare the charts and costumes accordingly. Each party is specifically designed for the participants and will give everyone something to think about.


“Life’s a Perspective”

Navigating-Through-Life-My-PerspectiveI recently read a book by Manly P. Hall “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”.  This book was so interesting because he goes through all the Mystery Schools and Philosophies through the ages giving information based on research and written documentation. These are not based on his own opinion. This allows the reader to get an objective view of all the different theories and what happened to them through the years. Or does it?  What I discovered at the end of the book is this; all we know and all we learn is based on a perception of someone else’s perspective of what they learned and know. Now I know what you are thinking….. Yes we have text books and written documents that are interpreted for us in a specific way in order that everyone sees the same answer. Everyone knows that when they see a certain phrase or equation the answer is X. What I’m talking about is life values, core beliefs, or theory. Most humans spend a lifetime searching for “The Purpose of Life” and perception is the key. This is the one thing that keeps us searching or we would have a clear mathematical understanding of the world by now. Right? Ok. So some would say we do, however it is changing everyday with new discoveries all the time.
We are taught at a young age to learn by reading and listening to others who have the knowledge. So the same goes for religious beliefs, philosophy and theory. The  documents that we are learning from today originated in another land and/or another language. Therefore the translation is never exact and has been influenced by the translator. As it is their job to make a proper translation and sometimes there is none, so they have to make it work. Wow! Do we even have a true understanding of how these documents were meant to be understood?
I have learned a lot over the past couple of years. Some have been epiphanies and some painful however, they have all been enlightening for me. What I learned (my own perspective) is that no matter how hard you try understand where someone else is coming from it is only based on your own perspective.  This means that it is never truly what the other person is going through or feeling.
We all have an idea of how life should work based on our own perception of life around us and it is the foundation for judging others. Let’s face it we all do it, it is human nature and even when we are critical of ourselves is based on what we think others are thinking, which is judgement. When others do not behave the way they should, according to our rules, then they are doing it wrong or more importantly they don’t care.
Until we learn to understand and accept that there is no way we can possibly see reality from the same perspective, can we begin to see that it is unfair to have any feelings towards one another that is anything but kindness and love.
This includes everyone… just because your in a relationship, a family member, or a coworker, or a best friend does not exempt them from receiving this type of treatment. Being angry, judgmental, hurt, frustrated or even happy and proud of someone puts that person in an unfair position.
This is extremely difficult to do especially when we start life off in a family with a load of expectations being molded by some else’s perspective and at the same time forming our own perspective.
8b7b064b1e6e1eb78ff5959639d7cd10So how do we form our own perspective….. the planetary energies that surrounded you at birth set the tone and continue to give you your unique outlook.
I believe we all are on our own journey, bumping into others that will help guide us in a specific direction.  Some stay around for life, swinging on the same vine and others are only passing by for as long as the path goes in the same direction. It is a great concept that if I can master I just know my existence will make a lot more sense.

What does Gemini Sun and Scorpio Moon mean in your chart?

Do you have Scorpio Moon in your birth chart and your Sun in Gemini? Let us take a quick glance at what this can mean for you.


The emotional energy resources, which are strong when the sun or Ascendant sign is Scorpio, are in some ways even more potent with a Scorpio Moon. Known for your intense emotional sensitivity, feelings can be so instantly on tap, you overreact when provoked.  All kinds of reactions, both positive and negative, will be laced with vivid emotion.  Outbursts surprise those around you as other areas of your personality usually present a very different sort of person.


However; with your Sun in Gemini, you are driven with expression, information and mental stimulation that is more comfortable expressing yourself outwardly most of the time. This is not likely with Scorpio Moon and in fact is very uncomfortable.  This combination is interesting from a stand point that your energy is to be outspoken, with a tendency to be talkative, with a need to prove you have the answer.  Scorpio Moon is one to sit back and observe; taking action when necessary.  Although these signs are opposite in the way they think and this combination can be difficult. I feel that this is a great lesson that can promote growth.  Once you learn to tap into each of the traits that can alleviate the stress of this conflict, you can approach every situation with the grace and intellect others will admire.


Understand  that this is only a small interpretation to a greater chart and depending on the aspect (position of the planets as they sit in your chart) and what house they reside in, you may have other influences that can enhance or diminish these characteristic.


If you want to learn more about the Zodiac, Astrology and your chart please contact me to discuss upcoming events, workshops and receive you chart or reading.


Astrology Retreat Itinerary:


When you arrive on Saturday you will be greeted with a kind loving embrace, fresh juice and homemade healthy munchies. The workshop begins with an introduction to Astrology and a copy of your Astrological chart.

Sunday will be used to relax and explore the beauty of Ecuador’s coast and organize some outings for the rest of the week.

Monday morning after meditation and breakfast I will guide you through each chart as it applies to the Astrological signs, houses and planets.

Lunch will be served at 12pm and open discussion – leisure time

Dinner will be served or we can take a trip into the small surf town of Montanita, Equador for dinner and some fun.

Tuesday Morning will begin with guided meditation and breathing exercise that will get you relaxed and tuned in to the many possibilities that this workshop will uncover.

As you continue to learn about the Astrological signs and the specific structure of your chart, you will begin to understand why you are who you are, what path you are taking and how it contributes to your relationship with others.

Wednesday – I will give some fun facts on health and wellbeing for each of the Astrological signs that will be helpful to keep you focused in your daily life.

We will end the workshop with a beautiful meditative movement exercise that combines breathing and dance that is sure to give you energy and rejuvenate your spirit. The rest of the day will be for relaxing on the beach, pool or hot tub. I will set aside time to spend with you all individually to discuss all that you have learned.

Each guest will receive an aromatherapy kit specific to your sign that will include some helpful hints.

Thursday – Meditation, Love and Departure.

My Chart My Lesson

The placement of the planets, stars and asteroids at the time of our birth is so vitally important yet so many overlook the power behind this science. We go through our lives trying to control our own destiny through trial and error, when all we need to do is look at our life blueprint and navigate accordingly. It is really that simple.

Your natal chart is like looking at a set of blueprints for building your house. Everything you need is laid out in front of you, now all you need is the labor and materials to build it.

No matter what your beliefs are your blueprint was designed by the best Architect anyone could ask for and it is specifically for you; all you have to do is read the plans and begin building your Universe.

I can help you in process being both a Construction Manager and Astrologer, I am an expert in navigating through the building and re-building process.

This is my chart and one big lesson, that had I known about earlier, my life could have been a lot less stressful.

All my life I have been the helper, the one that everyone counts on in a pinch.  I cannot see someone in need and not do something about it.  I go out of my way to make sure that others have what they need to be happy and move in the direction of their choice.  Many times this puts me in a situation where I feel as though I am being taken advantage of and often times has me wondering if I would ever have the chances that I afforded others.  Over and over I continue to attract people in my life that would unintentionally become reliant on me to a point of it becoming stressful and build resentments.   After carefully reviewing my chart, a light bulb went off.  I have been looking at it all wrong.  Helping people is my path and by helping others I will be fulfilled.

Here is how it works….In my Birth Chart, my eighth house is empty, (no planetary activity) this is telling me that I am not supposed to be looking for support from other people, and in fact Cancer (Mother) is ruling my eighth house stating that I have a great interest in other peoples emotional well being and want to nurture them more than I am interested in being nurtured.  This also indicates that my interests are in the mysteries of the emotional soul and like to investigate what makes them tick.  So even in the house that would indicate help from others it is telling me that I would not be fulfilled or happy accepting that help.  This realization has put me in a different frame of mind and has me focusing more on how I can best help others without becoming stressed.  The answer is simple, stop enabling and start helping.  Although this has been a great help for my mental stability, it has been a journey that is forever evolving.  How do I change my mindset after a pattern has been made over many years. Especially when I thought I was helping people, when in fact I just kept giving them the excuses they needed to do nothing.  This is a Journey that has not been so easy, but one I plan to continue to work on for the betterment of everyone. There are also other areas of the chart that indicate working with and helping people (10th house) and that is where I will concentrate my energy.  By receiving the energy from other areas of my chart I am retraining myself and learning to help people and  stop enabling.

It is not easy to change patterns, but it is possible and knowing where to make those changes is the key to making new more productive patterns.

The Eighth House is about the support you receive from other people. It is the house of regeneration, and covers death, sex, legal matters, and metaphysics. Other exoteric and esoteric keywords include: Transformation and regeneration, resources of others, sexuality, death, transmutation, battles, the Path of discipleship

Total lunar eclipse (April 4, 2015) and how it will affect you……..

Tomorrows lunar eclipse Moon will be the shortest lived lunar eclipse of the year lasting only 3 hours and 29 minutes and the peek will only last about 5 minutes.  This lunar eclipse will be visible over western North America, South America, the Pacific, East Asia, India (low illuminated moon appears during end of eclipse), Arctic, Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand. The eclipse will begin at 5:05 am EDT with the total eclipse at 7:07 am EDT.

Astrologically speaking; the lunar eclipse will be under complete influence of Libra (balance and harmony) during this day and will be aspected by 4 planets (Sun, Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter) What does this mean for you?  A lunar eclipse will affect everyone, just as the lunar phases affect the tides.  Our bodies are 95% water and react to the gravitational pulls of the moon just like any other body of water on earth.  This eclipse will be affecting people born with personal planets in Aries, Aquarius, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius most significantly.

Living within our means of knowledge, mindful evolution and intuitiveness.

You often here people say “live within your means” or “you live beyond you means”. When you here this it is assumed that the comment is relating to our financial means. Right?

I have a question for you. Do you live within your intuitive knowledge and evolutionary means?

You might be saying right now. “Whatever; I don’t even know what she is talking about”.

I would like to challenge you to look into this question and open your mind to understanding the meaning of this question.

Are you feeling stuck, worried, underappreciated or just plain stressed, let me help you move to a level of understanding, insight and freedom.

Here is my story and what lead me to this wonderful awareness that has helped me navigate though many, many relationships.

After a 20 year relationship and 17 years of marriage I found myself facing the world for the first time. My marriage had ended and I was leaving a very sheltered and protected environment, one that I had known for the majority of my life; friends I had known since I was young, and even some family members. It was scary.

I got married at the young age of 16 and now in my thirties I had to start developing relationships with new people I had never met before; strangers. So I know first hand how scary and uncomfortable it is to put yourself out there for others to judge and perceive you without knowing you.

I had been studying astrology for over 10 years at that point, and I began to rely on my knowledge immensely, guiding me into the lives of others, helping to know a person after just meeting them for the first time. This gave me a comfort level that made my experience of meeting new people exciting and fun. I gained so much knowledge about the differences in our planetary DNA and the relationships between them and I would now like to share with all of you. I have been practicing this for over ten years now and feel it could benefit so many.

In sharing my experience and insight I have decided to start a series on relationships. I will take one scenario every two months and explain how we can live within our means with regards to our relationships and develop, nurture and understand others through astrology to improve our lives.

I will post the results anonymously on facebook to help others who may not have had the opportunity to participate and send a more detailed analysis to you privately.

Thank you for taking the time to read through my story. If this topic is not for you please continue to check back as I am sure there will be others that may interest you..

For the first experiment I will examine the relationship between a Parent and Child. WOW!! Starting big! I love it.

If you are interested I will need the information as described below for both the parent and the child. Please send it soon as I will only have a limited number of candidates due to the limited amount of time.

What you will need to provide.

Birth information:

    1. month/day/year
    2. place of birth
    3. time of birth

Do not assume you cannot participate if you do not have all this information. I can still provide a lot of information just with the date of birth.

Sagittarius parenting a Taurus Child:

Sagittarius Sun: Life is an adventure, full of excitement and possibly travels.   You view the world as a playground and see all the possibilities it has to offer. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter. Therefore you seek adventure and truth on this journey through your experiences. Meeting many people and becoming a part of their lives in order to grow. Friendly and outgoing showing your faith in yourself that inspires most to succeed in their own lives.   This is the best way you can parent. By being an example instead of trying to force activities on your Taurus child, who would probably prefer to be at home the majority of the time.

Taurus Sun: Life is about stability, practicality and comfort. This child will view the world as a beautiful place to be enjoyed from the comforts of a familiar home. Taurus is a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus. Therefore, planting a garden and the smell of a sweet flower is all the excitement this child needs. This child is slow to start projects, and rarely does so unless they know they can complete it and complete it perfectly. They have a sense of determination that can be mistaken by your Sagittarius parent as competitiveness. This cannot be further from the truth. Taurus child is independent and does not like to be judged by others and competition does just that.

As a Sagittarius parent you may feel it necessary to involve your child in a lot of activities. Taking them to parties, ball parks, theme parks etc…. While this is fine on the occasion, all children love these activities; there is a time when this can become overload particularly for a Taurus child. The best way to help fulfill your Sagittarius adventurous spirit and give your comfy, earthy Taurus a stable, secure feeling is to read adventure stories together. Make up a new ending to the story or send the characters on different journeys.   Because the Taurus child is very practical it may be difficult for him or her to have an imagination so with the Sagittarius, sense of adventure you can lend a hand. The best thing you can do as a parent is to remember and understand that this child may become resentful or anxious if pushed to do too many things outside the home. This can make him or her very self-conscious.

A full report has been sent to your email for your review. Thank you for your participation.