Full Moon in Aries, October 5th, 2017



The October full Moon is also the Harvest Full Moon. The harvest full moon is when the moon is closest to the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of preparation for Winter. Native Indians saw this as the time to start hunting and gathering food and necessary essentials before Winter begins.

Aries Full Moon is full of fire and spice and everything nice. Passion and intensity will be a big part of this day and week. Feeling the need to fight for what you believe in is what it’s all about. This will come from a passion within that is not always apparent and obvious. It will be important to communicate your needs with love and tame the beast within that wants to be released. Although Mercury has a strong opposition to the Moon this can be overwhelming and it can be hard to find the appropriate words. All of this is happening in the house of one on one relationships and self needs.  Balancing the two is often difficult, however this is a time to let them work together for the greater good without judgement or guilt.

While normally the Full Moon is a time to sit back and let the Universe work for you, this Full Moon signals action (Aries) to prepare for shorter days and colder weather. As the bright Sun shines its light on the delicate Moon and exposing the emotional side of your life, Mercury is also sitting opposite the Moon demanding that these emotions are communicated and issues resolved.

The two great lovers of the Universe are having a romantic meet up right now and adds a second level of emotions to the mix. Mars and Venus have been chasing each other around the Zodiac for a long time now and finally they are together. Their meeting will not last long so use this energy to feel the connection with those you love. Add some excitement to the evening by sharing a candle light dinner with your family. Open your heart and mind to possibilities beyond your control and embrace your inner passion to make a difference in this world.

Aries full Moon is full of action, passion, war and peace. Like the Native Indians it is time to store your energy and harvest your love so you can concur the cold and dark moments in life.

Activate Your Universe has what you need to help you understand the energies that embrace you. Visit www.activateyourunivers.com and let me know what I can do for you.

What is “Planetary DNA”

The time is now to www.ACTIVATEYOURUNIVERSE.com

Through astrology you are able to see your connection with the Universe. It will open the pathway to a galaxy of possibilities.

Take a journey with me and we will explore the nature of this precious gift I like to call your “Planetary DNA”.

The placement of the planets in the sky at any given time sends energy through-out the universe and depending on what constellation they are moving in determines how that energy is projected and received by everything in its path. Yes, that includes you! These cosmic beings have a specific pattern and generate a specific frequency and vibration that reacts to contact with all things. It is designed for a specific purpose. Astrology is the study of this energy and has been examined and documented for hundreds of thousands of years.  It is important to understand this energy and utilize it for all of its benefits and intentions.

How does this energy form your unique individual Planetary DNA? Let’s explore and you will begin to see it. The position of the Planets and Constellations is most important at the time of your birth. This is the beginning of your creation and life’s patterns. The moment you take your first breath, perceptions and receptions are awakening. They are awakening to the vibrations and frequency of the Universe. It is at this precise moment that your subconscious mind beings to develop and experience the world. It is the time that impressions are made as you see this life through your eyes. Life is about perception, you are only able to see what you see because you are not able to look through someone else’s eyes and even if you could those eyes would not be connected to the same mind. This life is only your reality!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could understand why you feel a certain way about someone or something? The Planets move and change locations within our galaxy moving through the Zodiac all the time, changing the energy at every moment. Your perception and reactions are all based on your Planetary DNA and determines what you see and how you see it.

Just like your DNA and your thumb print are unique to you, there are no two charts that are the same. It is really quite amazing how humans are created and how special you really are in every way.

Visit my site to learn more or contact me and we can explore your Planetary DNA together.



Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse (Aquarius) August 7, 2017

Full Moon Aquarius: The phase of the Full Moon is a time for rest and reflection, and is especially important with Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. The partial Lunar Eclipse will be, by far, the most impressive aspect for today. Hold on to your emotions because it will be a bumpy ride and an experience that you will not understand right away. Stay grounded and process your feelings before letting them out for others to see.


Today’s Aquarian Full Moon will have a profound effect on your emotional well-being and the power to shift your reality in big ways. The Moons reflection will be partially hidden and so will your emotions, not only to others but to yourself as well. As the Leo Sun sits opposite the Aquarian Moon, they are having a conversation about your relationship with yourself as opposed to your relationship with other people. Our Leo Sun highlights the relationship between the individual, meaning you; Do you love yourself? Do you take care of yourself? Are you living your life? and this Full Moon will make these questions a lot harder to answer. However, the Aquarian Moon wants you to disconnect from yourself and connect with how others feel. Do you see the conundrum?

Changing direction or making decisions will be difficult because your emotional attachment will want to be outward while your heart is looking inward so reality for you will become blurry. The Aquarian shadows come to light, at this time, adding more detachment from the flow of your own emotions and the realities of life. It is a time where you may see people whom you haven’t seen in a long time or those that are close to you will suddenly disappear, leaving you to question yourself.  Aquarian people like to be part of the pack; however, the Leo Sun is striving to make it on his own. Stay true to yourself do not make other people’s issues yours.  The energy is not there to support this action and can cause great problems for you in the future if you do not deal with moving within your own light today. Disconnection from your heart; over-attachment to holding on to the ideal life or perception of life are all part of this energy.

This is a nearing of the end that will bring new beginning as projects come to a close with respect to community, friendships and the giving of our own gifts to others. It is a time to reflect on your attachment to social activities as they may not be aligned with your hearts ambition. However, this is not an easy process with the energy being partially hidden as the Earth moves in the way of the light from our Leo Sun (Heart) and our emotional Aquarius Moon putting a fog over the ocean making it hard to see the rocks and waves.

The fog will lift, I promise, as a beautiful trine appears in the afternoon between the Moon and Jupiter. Let the light of Jupiter guide you and spend time in contemplation. Wait for a clear view and calmer seas before making any sudden moves. Open and free your mind to break free of those things that no longer serve you emotionally and let your light shine in your own unique way. Be an individual that contributes to the collective without compromising your own dreams. Don’t be rude or distasteful; however, strive for a clear path. This takes courage and belief in yourself. I believe in you…

“Stay in the light that shines deep within your heart; let Leo guide you to become the King of your own destiny.” 

Aquarius Full Moon, Intellectual, Community, and Detachment are all the part of this energy.



New Moon July 23, 2017

Activate Your Universe

“Set your intentions high for this New Moon and let it cover everything Leo”


A New Moon sits along-side the Sun and signifies the point of new beginnings.  The Sun is what drives you in life while the Moon is your emotional connection in life.  The Leo energy between the Sun and Moon will have you focusing on creativity, self-confidence and pride adding in the emotional connection for your own well-being. While there is always a chance of going too far, with this combo you should have no problem finding the balance and making change.

Leo energy is so creative and wants nothing more than what is best for you.  It is not a time to think or work on others, let that be for another day.  Today you must concentrate on yourself. As the Sun and Moon work side-by-side there is no better energy to combine purpose and passion as you plan for the future month.  Ideas should be plenty, however if you find yourself stuck then you should spend a little time by yourself and meditation.

The Sun is the brightest luminary in our sky, it is the King of the heavenly bodies and is the giver of life.  Leo is ruled by the Sun so there is no wonder that when they are working together you have the power to shine above all the rest.

In Astrology, the Sun symbolizes our direct will or purpose and if we do not spend time each year nurturing our own directives and drive then our purpose cannot be realized. There is no shame in looking out for your own best interest; just know that everyone will be doing the same.  Watch your temperament when you do not get what you wish.  It is not personal, it is just someone else looking out for themselves.  You can find another way, don’t worry.

Leo and Sun Mythology:  The beginning of time the Sun was a “hero” born of Mother Earth as she possessed the four elements that comprised life – air, earth, fire and water, thus we call him Sun “SON”.

The Greeks believe the Sun is Apollo, the Greek god of light and truth, the perfect balance of masculine and feminine.  Apollo lived in the spot light, the most Greek of all the gods, he wanted a shrine that would also put him at the center of the world; therefore, he choose Delphi. After slaying the serpent that ruled the area ], Apollo built his shrine. He saw what he wanted and did what he needed to do to get it.  Later the laws that were handed down from Delphi were delivered by Oracles but were credited to Apollo.  The lesson given was “Nothing in Excess” and “Know Thyself”.  The Oracle tells mortals to keep things in balance by avoiding the excess of being too willful and overly confident, or arrogance and conceit will follow.

Larger than life is how Leo likes to play and today will be no different.  Dream big, because today is the day it has the power to come true.


Capricorn Full Moon July 9, 2017

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Activate Your Universe!

What should you be doing during a Capricorn Full Moon?

The Full Moon usually symbolizes a time for stillness, allowing the universe to work the energy set forth from your New Moon intentions for the remainder of the moon cycle.  However, this Capricorn Full Moon is an active one and is all business. The Capricorn energy ex-spelling from the brightness of the big beautiful Moon has a can-do attitude and is providing an uneasy feeling.  It will make it necessary for you to take responsibility for your emotional connections and feelings within groups, co-workers and organizations with whom you are connected.  This energy is one of a collective conscious and is sitting in the house of careers, ambitions and life direction. The dismantling of out dated systems with an active ability to rebuild new ones is typical of the energy provided by the conjunction between the Capricorn Moon and Pluto. This is where the personal meets the public and/or political aspects of your life, making it necessary to involve others into your plan. It will take the masses to move the mountain and there is no time like now to get started.

In the tribe of the Universe the Capricorn is the one that gets the job done and has the stamina to keep up with all the details for the collective group. This will require big changes as well as re-invention. (Pluto 1 degree of the Moon) As these two energies work together you will feel the energy that has the power to breakdown major corporations, or just a singular way of thinking. On a personal note however, this energy causes you to question those you trust and break ties that may feel damaging to you. The Pluto/Capricorn Full Moon is sitting opposite a charged Sun and Mars in Cancer lighting up this powerful couple. Insecurities and fears put relationships at risk of power struggles and suspicion.  We all know what this type of energy can do on a big scale, but what does that mean for you in your daily lives? This is a time when you may feel that working on you own is best, due to the mistrust you are feeling. Nothing can be further from the truth. No matter how much you want to isolate yourself, this is a time to get involved. Involving yourself in organizations and groups that you are passionate about, will test your ability to respond to personal and collective events with maturity and open heart.  “Making a difference” The square to Jupiter in Libra reminds us that taking responsibility of yourselves does not mean you have to do it all on your own. It is critical to work with others for a successful outcome to whatever you are working on and evolution is more effective and efficient with support. The activation of a loose but potent grand cross at this time is a crossroads and choice point in your life and for those around you.

This Capricorn Full Moon makes it a perfect time to release and grieve that which needs to be left behind in order to take brave steps in a new direction. All this power struggle and work can drain your energy, but like all Capricorns will tell you; time for yourself and relaxation is an ingredient you must never substitute or alleviate from the recipe for success. The Capricorn way!

“The greatest darkness constellates the most impassioned energy of creativity” Andrew Harvey

Activate Your Universe, contact me and we can see what is in store for you. Tracy@activateyouruniverse.com

Full Moon May 10, 2017


The phase of the full Moon is a time for rest and meditation after completing the work you have been doing since you set your New Moon intentions 14 days ago.  It is a time to let the energy work for you as you watch the story unfold in what you have been working so hard towards.

Full Moon in Scorpio is full of intense emotions, after all Scorpio is dark, deep and full of mystery.  You will have no doubt that the work will get done with this placement, however it may not be just as you envisioned.  Her beauty will shine in the 7th house of partnerships and one on one relationships. Commitments and agreements will feel heavy and hard to accomplish. Try not to focus on getting things done and focus on the way you feel about the work.  Does if serve you? Do you enjoy or “desire” to get it done? Does it drain your energy or will the satisfaction of fulfilling the task be best feeling in the world? Answering these questions will help you stay on task or understand it is not worth doing today.

Scorpio will require a deeper understanding of what you are looking for especially in the relationship department, demanding that you do the work to achieve a balance as the 7th house is the house of the scales and must be in balance and harmony. She is there to provide you with the ability to truly understand an emotional connection you want and deserve.  Scorpio Full Moon has the ability to tear down walls as much as it can slam the doors shut, so be open and honest to FEEL and DESIRE.  These are two key words for the Scorpio Mysteries. She will remind you to be thankful, however has a tenancy to fester resentment.  This Full Moon is sitting opposite the Aries Sun that will add fire to flame of passion. So be prepared for a steamy night ahead full of heat and intimacy.  There is a twist though the Male and Female aspects of this combinations are in a difficult position causing confusion and arguments.  But do not fret, help is on the way……

A trine between the Scorpio Moon and the Pisces Neptune will give you the ability to be sensitive to the situation. Intuitive Pisces at home with Neptune can snuff out the flame before it gets too intense. Your intuition will be on high alert so make sure you listen to it. Tapping into your creative abilities as an escape is another great way to use this aspect and create a calming environment.

Look for support from your Mother or a Mother figure at this time as the trine between the Moon and the Mid heaven creates a strong energy that is motherly and safe.  This is also a great energy to gain perspective to where your life is going and how to get there.  Meditate on finding your path to your ideal future and regaining the closeness of a long-lasting relationship.

Scorpio Moon, Intense, rebirth, feeling and desire are all the part of this energy.

Activate Your Universe has what you need to help you understand the energies that embrace you. Visit www.activateyourunivers.com and let me know what I can do for you.



Don’t give up your belief for Astrology

I have been asked many times about Astrology and Religion:


Astrology is not a Religion, in the history of mankind Astrology was first proven as Science and incorporated in Astronomy, Medicine, Navigation and Time to only name a few.  Learning about how the Planets, Star formations, and the Universe moves within our Solar System is not a claim to a different belief or disbelief in God.  We have learned and evolved as a species to know that energy exists. Energy can be identified in everything we do, see, hear, feel, smell and taste. This energy was created for the good of everything and the systems put in place were put there for a harmonious balance.


In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth and said “let there be lights”.

The lights were formed by an event, an energy sent by the Creator in a certain manor so that we as humans can study and learn from it.  The Heavens and Earth were created with a Universe that was formed specifically for us to explore and uncover the Science behind it all.  If we did not have this basic idea then the conception of Science would not exist.  It is through Science we grow and have discovered, invented, imagined and produced all that we have today.  The intention is not to discount a belief in God, it is to know God. 


“and Let them be for signs” Gen 1:14


This is how our Human Race is to evolve, how we get to know the energy that has been graciously given to us and the power it has to guide us as an individual and as a whole. Through this energy, we can understand the lessons, purpose and love that is within our grasps for the good of all. It is because of this that our minds are curious and set free to explore not only our physical life but the energetic connection we have with each other, the universe and everything we can imagine.  This allows us to put differences aside, learn what it is to be compassionate, and feel love.  We can accepting all beings for what they are and for who they are and not judge by race, color, gender or beliefs. This includes accepting yourself and is key to the whole process in our quest.


I’ll give you an example of the how simple this is by explaining our basic instinct and ability to procreate in our likeness, children, who will grow up and be an individual through the guidance and support of their creator, parents.   


Animals, creatures, micro-organisms, macro-organisms, plants and humans have an instinct to survive and procreate.  However, we don’t just one day say “let there be a baby”, there is a process that needs to happen for the egg to be fertilized, the cells to divide and contract to form the little being that will eventually sprout, hatch or birth an offspring in their likeness.  Now, if the creation of these systems for each living thing did not have its own unique way to procreate and everything just appeared, do you think our technology, medicine, time and energy would exist as it does today?  These are all parts of a process necessary to peek our curiosity in order for us to study the workings of the universe (energy) and use these tools for our own evolution that will lead the collective souls to become the perfect beings we were created to be.


Much like the child that leaves your house. You have shown them, taught them, loved them and now you free them.  You are no longer there all the time to watch every move or tell them right from wrong, but you gave them the tools to make the discoveries in life that will ultimately lead the way for their greater good.  All you can do is hope they look for the signs and follow the path.


My hope for this piece is to help provide an understanding of Astrology as it relates to Religion.  It is not a belief system, we do not worship or praise it.  It is an understanding of the energy that is within our grasps and to provide guidance and support whenever we need it.  All we have to do is ask. Astrology is an insightful tool that brings compassion to others as the knowledge of each lesson unfolds in our own little hand book provided by the great creator of energy and produced by the great giver of life.


Sustainable Organic World

header21Wouldn’t we all like to see a world that works in perfect harmony with no poverty and no disease?  This all starts with making conscious decisions that benefit the greater good.

My sister, Sindy Williams, has been working on this for many years and through her efforts has established a online community that will help to do just that.  Through her experience and years of research she has put together a helpful way that makes living organically possible.  By making choices that work towards sustainability and pure organic living we can all do are part.  Join the team and learn how YOU can make a difference by subscribing to her website and learn about the wonderful things happening around the globe to enhance your awareness.  Her online community is just one step you can take in working towards a harmonious way of living. What I like best is that there is something for everyone from food, conscious buying, spirituality and pure living. If you have something to share or want to become part of the SOW community follow the link below.  She would love to here from you!


Libra Full Moon April 11, 2:08am EST

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This full Moon is both lucky and unlucky at the same time.  As you have been working this month on your New Moon Intentions it will be necessary to sit back and let the work you have done vibrate into the Universe.  The Full Moon is in Libra (scales) and will want to bring balance to one on one relationships and family matters.  It is also about Judgement, both being judged and judging others.

So here it is folks……

Our bright Luna is of course sitting opposite the Sun and putting the spot light on our emotions.  You can’t hide from this one.  Libra is about family so this will pertain mostly to personal relationships and usually with one person as opposed to a group of people.  Anyway, I’m getting side tracked.

As the Sun’s shining light is on the Moon, the Moon in turn is reflecting that light back on to Uranus thus giving Uranus additional support and power.  This could be a very good thing or cause complications that are not to be repaired. This Aspect will be felt for few day both before the Full Moon and after.  It is up to you witch way it will go.

Stay aware of your emotions when making decisions, they could be clouding your judgement.  Uranus in the spotlight can lead to destructive behavior when deep emotions are uncovered and it feels as though drastic changes are happening all around you.  Impulsive reactions are expected and has the power to break down relationships that will sever the ties. Due to the deep emotional bond created in personal relationships, we expect to be treated a certain way.  As I stated before, Libra is about justice and will make judgement on information that may be skewed by personal values or life expectations. This Aspect along with the Libra Full Moon will force you to deal with your relationship emotionally and can have a domino effect on changing your outlook forever.

Everything is not lost though; Uranus also has the power bring you a heightened awareness of yourself, an open mind, and even psychic perception. These affects are even more prominent now with Jupiter and Spica (star in the wheat of Virgo) sitting close by.  Tapping into this energy can get you through just about anything; all while teaching you about yourself in order to improve your relationships. To do this you must slow down, be aware of your feelings, ask questions on what your motives are or where the emotions are coming from and meditate before making any decisions that come up quickly or unexpected (Uranus). Step away from a heated situation or if you are feeling uncomfortable.  There will be time for rational discussion when the Full Moon has passed.
