Virgo Full Moon March 12, 2017


The Full Moon on Sunday March 12, 2017 is in Virgo. The Full Moon March 2017 astrology reveals an increase in recent tensions. Stressful relationships between partners and between nations will see a flurry of activity in a desperate search for answers. This coming after the New Moon Solar Eclipse that has been telling us to let go of those things that no longer serve you.

The March 2017 Full Moon problems can only be resolved by taking a deep look at the complex issues involved. Intense emotional encounters and psychological analysis can lead to positive transformations on the way to peace and harmony.

As the sun sits opposite Virgo Moon it highlights purity in emotions.  This can also work opposite and highlight egos to our emotional being. In addition to the outward focus on purging, now is the time to let the chips fall where they may after a very emotional past few weeks.

A Full Moon is related to the previous New Moon. The February 26 Solar Eclipse goals can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time. However, the effect of eclipses continues for six month so not all goals will be fully completed. Emotional adjustments can be made in response to those new goals. The Full Moon effect lasts for two weeks up to the next new moon, in this case the March 27 New Moon.

The March 12 Full Moon is influenced by other major factors apart from the Sun opposite Moon. Jupiter opposite Uranus is just one that connects directly to the Full Moon through minor aspects. Letting you know that all your hard work, both emotionally and physically, will be rewarded through the most unexpected situations over the next few weeks so keep your options open and your mind free.

My Chart My Lesson

The placement of the planets, stars and asteroids at the time of our birth is so vitally important yet so many overlook the power behind this science. We go through our lives trying to control our own destiny through trial and error, when all we need to do is look at our life blueprint and navigate accordingly. It is really that simple.

Your natal chart is like looking at a set of blueprints for building your house. Everything you need is laid out in front of you, now all you need is the labor and materials to build it.

No matter what your beliefs are your blueprint was designed by the best Architect anyone could ask for and it is specifically for you; all you have to do is read the plans and begin building your Universe.

I can help you in process being both a Construction Manager and Astrologer, I am an expert in navigating through the building and re-building process.

This is my chart and one big lesson, that had I known about earlier, my life could have been a lot less stressful.

All my life I have been the helper, the one that everyone counts on in a pinch.  I cannot see someone in need and not do something about it.  I go out of my way to make sure that others have what they need to be happy and move in the direction of their choice.  Many times this puts me in a situation where I feel as though I am being taken advantage of and often times has me wondering if I would ever have the chances that I afforded others.  Over and over I continue to attract people in my life that would unintentionally become reliant on me to a point of it becoming stressful and build resentments.   After carefully reviewing my chart, a light bulb went off.  I have been looking at it all wrong.  Helping people is my path and by helping others I will be fulfilled.

Here is how it works….In my Birth Chart, my eighth house is empty, (no planetary activity) this is telling me that I am not supposed to be looking for support from other people, and in fact Cancer (Mother) is ruling my eighth house stating that I have a great interest in other peoples emotional well being and want to nurture them more than I am interested in being nurtured.  This also indicates that my interests are in the mysteries of the emotional soul and like to investigate what makes them tick.  So even in the house that would indicate help from others it is telling me that I would not be fulfilled or happy accepting that help.  This realization has put me in a different frame of mind and has me focusing more on how I can best help others without becoming stressed.  The answer is simple, stop enabling and start helping.  Although this has been a great help for my mental stability, it has been a journey that is forever evolving.  How do I change my mindset after a pattern has been made over many years. Especially when I thought I was helping people, when in fact I just kept giving them the excuses they needed to do nothing.  This is a Journey that has not been so easy, but one I plan to continue to work on for the betterment of everyone. There are also other areas of the chart that indicate working with and helping people (10th house) and that is where I will concentrate my energy.  By receiving the energy from other areas of my chart I am retraining myself and learning to help people and  stop enabling.

It is not easy to change patterns, but it is possible and knowing where to make those changes is the key to making new more productive patterns.

The Eighth House is about the support you receive from other people. It is the house of regeneration, and covers death, sex, legal matters, and metaphysics. Other exoteric and esoteric keywords include: Transformation and regeneration, resources of others, sexuality, death, transmutation, battles, the Path of discipleship