We are taught at a young age to learn by reading and listening to others who have the knowledge. So the same goes for religious beliefs, philosophy and theory. The documents that we are learning from today originated in another land and/or another language. Therefore the translation is never exact and has been influenced by the translator. As it is their job to make a proper translation and sometimes there is none, so they have to make it work. Wow! Do we even have a true understanding of how these documents were meant to be understood?
I have learned a lot over the past couple of years. Some have been epiphanies and some painful however, they have all been enlightening for me. What I learned (my own perspective) is that no matter how hard you try understand where someone else is coming from it is only based on your own perspective. This means that it is never truly what the other person is going through or feeling.
We all have an idea of how life should work based on our own perception of life around us and it is the foundation for judging others. Let’s face it we all do it, it is human nature and even when we are critical of ourselves is based on what we think others are thinking, which is judgement. When others do not behave the way they should, according to our rules, then they are doing it wrong or more importantly they don’t care.
Until we learn to understand and accept that there is no way we can possibly see reality from the same perspective, can we begin to see that it is unfair to have any feelings towards one another that is anything but kindness and love.
This includes everyone… just because your in a relationship, a family member, or a coworker, or a best friend does not exempt them from receiving this type of treatment. Being angry, judgmental, hurt, frustrated or even happy and proud of someone puts that person in an unfair position.
This is extremely difficult to do especially when we start life off in a family with a load of expectations being molded by some else’s perspective and at the same time forming our own perspective.

I believe we all are on our own journey, bumping into others that will help guide us in a specific direction. Some stay around for life, swinging on the same vine and others are only passing by for as long as the path goes in the same direction. It is a great concept that if I can master I just know my existence will make a lot more sense.