The Full Moon on Sunday March 12, 2017 is in Virgo. The Full Moon March 2017 astrology reveals an increase in recent tensions. Stressful relationships between partners and between nations will see a flurry of activity in a desperate search for answers. This coming after the New Moon Solar Eclipse that has been telling us to let go of those things that no longer serve you.
The March 2017 Full Moon problems can only be resolved by taking a deep look at the complex issues involved. Intense emotional encounters and psychological analysis can lead to positive transformations on the way to peace and harmony.
As the sun sits opposite Virgo Moon it highlights purity in emotions. This can also work opposite and highlight egos to our emotional being. In addition to the outward focus on purging, now is the time to let the chips fall where they may after a very emotional past few weeks.
A Full Moon is related to the previous New Moon. The February 26 Solar Eclipse goals can now be fine-tuned or completed, it is harvest time. However, the effect of eclipses continues for six month so not all goals will be fully completed. Emotional adjustments can be made in response to those new goals. The Full Moon effect lasts for two weeks up to the next new moon, in this case the March 27 New Moon.
The March 12 Full Moon is influenced by other major factors apart from the Sun opposite Moon. Jupiter opposite Uranus is just one that connects directly to the Full Moon through minor aspects. Letting you know that all your hard work, both emotionally and physically, will be rewarded through the most unexpected situations over the next few weeks so keep your options open and your mind free.